Programme 2025

16th January: 

The history of the wedding gown……..Kevin Thornhill

20th February: 

Garden wildlife and biodiversity……….Rachel Lister- Jones

20th March: 

Mary’s Meals, a simple solution to world hunger…………Fran Lawson

17th April:

Forest of Flowers - Woodland and wildflowers in Huby.

15th May:

Resolutions & supper with a brief talk on “Our community projects”  by Rubina

19th June: 

The Mitford Men…………..Joanne Aston

17th July:

Yorkshire Air Ambulance………..Kevin Hutchinson

21st August:

Annual Outing

18th September: 

Life in the Gambia……….Ron Pickering

16th October: 

The fire at Windsor Castle……….Steve Caldwell

20th November: 

Annual Meeting and supper

4th December: 

Oscars Paediatric Brain Tumour Charity…….Phil Martinez.