Other things you can do with Cop WI

2nd Tuesday of the Month

Make Do and Mend:  7.00 - 9.00 pm at the Hall.

Bring whatever you're working on and have a drink and a chat with other members. Occasionally we'll have a tutor-led activity: we've been making Medals for Everyday Courage and fabric envelopes with Charlotte Bilby as part of the Textiles in the Criminal Justice System project and have had a go at Fused Glass objects with Naomi Whittaker.

3rd Tuesday of the Month

Cop Cooks: 7.00 - 9.00 pm at the Hall

A different food each month, we each bring a dish featuring that ingredient or type and then we tuck in! So far we've enjoyed citrus, chocolate, potatoes, berries and salads...

4th Tuesday of the Month

Cop WI Book Group: 7.00 - 9.00 pm at the Hall

Choosing from the Reading Groups Sets provided by Explore and at no cost to members, we enjoy a fun and lively discussion and talk about anything else we've read recently and can recommend. A great way to widen your bookish horizons!

Lunch Party

Trying a different pub, cafe or restaurant each month - days can vary - social dining at reasonable prices.